The Path to the Moon

This song is about a lifelong dream of sailing away to sea.
The dreamer wants to sail his boat along the path that the
moon reflects on the ocean.

Here are two great pictures representing "The Path to the Moon":

The Path to the Moon (#1)
The Path to the Moon (#2)

Here is a beautiful version of the song done by the
Indianapolis Children's Choir. Mr. Kemp thinks
this is one of the nicest performances of this song
that he has ever heard. I wonder if WE can sing
the song this nice!
Click MP3 or Apple to listen to the Indianapolis Children's
Choir sing "The Path to the Moon". It's amazing!

CLICK HERE for a YouTube video of the Vancouver Youth Choir KIDS
singing "The Path to the Moon". Mr. Kemp thinks they sound great!

CLICK HERE to see and hear the Indianapolis Children's Choir sing
"The Path to the Moon". The video is very badly recorded, but you can
still hear that they sing beautifully!