Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

To learn this song, LISTEN FIRST to just your part!
Listen many times over to really learn it well!

Mr. Wozniak's & Mrs. Tibball's classes are singing PART 1:

MP3 Part 1 (Mr. Wozniak & Mrs. Tibball)
ApplePart 1 (Mr. Wozniak & Mrs. Tibball)

Mr. Koski's & Mrs. Carson's classes are singing PART 2:

MP3 Part 2 (Mr. Koski & Mrs. Carson)
ApplePart 2 (Mr. Koski & Mrs. Carson)

Mr. Kemp used a little computer magic to put both
parts together:

MP3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Both Parts)
AppleStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Both Parts)

Here is the Scorch file. ***IMPORTANT - If you still
can't get Scorch to work, ASK YOUR PARENTS TO HELP!
Scorch is very fun to work with! You and a friend can
sing together at home when you get good at the song!

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Scorch)

If you absolutely can't get Scorch to work, here is an audio file.
Follow along with your music from your chorus folder:

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Audio Only)