One Candle, One Flame

To learn this song, LISTEN FIRST to just your part!
Listen many times over to really learn it well!

Mr. Wozniak's & Mrs. Tibball's classes are singing PART 1:

MP3 Part 1 (Mr. Wozniak & Mrs. Tibball)
ApplePart 1 (Mr. Wozniak & Mrs. Tibball)

Mr. Koski's & Mrs. Carson's classes are singing PART 2:

MP3 Part 2 (Mr. Koski & Mrs. Carson)
ApplePart 2 (Mr. Koski & Mrs. Carson)

Mr. Kemp used a little computer magic to put both
parts together:

MP3 One Candle, One Flame (Both Parts)
AppleOne Candle, One Flame (Both Parts)

Here is the Scorch file. ***IMPORTANT - If you still
can't get Scorch to work, ASK YOUR PARENTS TO HELP!
Scorch is very fun to work with! You and a friend can
sing together at home when you get good at the song!

One Candle, One Flame (Scorch)

If you absolutely can't get Scorch to work, here is an audio file.
Follow along with your music from your chorus folder:

One Candle, One Flame (Audio Only)