The Surrounding Bones

by Bobby Catlitter

Chapter 1: A Scary Turning Point

Boo! Ahhhhhh! An old lady screamed at the top of her lungs.
She tried to smack the bloody, muddy and filled with cob web
bones she tried to do that because she was afraid of them. She
picked up the bones and fainted because she realized that they
can talk. She realized just what was going on when she got up
and everybody told her just what was going on. She did not
believe it until she saw the bones running away. She went on
the computer to look up the bones and if she did not put the
bones back she would be guarded by bones and she will die
because she will not have a lot of food. She was very worried
because she did not want to die for a very long time. She made
a bone tracker and she got in a rocketcar wheelchair.  VROOM!
VROOM! REEEEEEEE! The car went for a very long time
faster and faster. But she did not realize gas was being wasted.
All of a sudden it ran out of gas. What was she going to do?

Chapter 2: The End…or is it?

She ran back to the grave where the bones were and saw a twenty
extra minutes button. “That is so obvious”, she said. She pressed
the button and she got 20 extra minutes. She got on her portal she
made a long time ago she tied on a keypad. Go were the talking
bones and fast she does not have a lot of time. Suddenly she was
in China.

Chapter 3: Get the Bones NOW! Or Else.

She had to run and swim millions of miles to Turkey where they
were when she met speedy the guy so fast when he walks he is
faster than anyone in the whole wide world. She still thought she
would never make it in a million years. “Well there is no time to
waste”, said Speedy. “Ahhhh! How fast are you going?” “I am just
jogging.” “Sure!” “You want to see me go faster?” “No, I want to
stick with this. Look it is the bones. Get them.” Speedy ran as fast
as he can and the old lady almost fell off. The bones never saw
them coming until the old lady reached out and snatched the bones.

Chapter 4: It Is Not Over Yet!

She thought there would be no curse when she remembered she
had to bring the bones back to the grave. She ran back to China
to take the portal back home to the graveyard to put the bones
back. Nobody thought she would come back with the bones but
she did. When she got back every person there cheered. But she
had no time to waste. She ran to the graveyard. All of a sudden
there was an explosion at the graveyard, and in the smoke there
was a picture of bones and a timer that read one minute. SHE
ONLY HAD ONE MINUTE. She ran to the graveyard with five
seconds to spare. She put the bones back in the grave with only
dirt above them. They are not going to get out. SHE HAD NO
CURSE! Now she will go nowhere near the graveyard after what
happened with the bones. She hoped the bones were still being
good. After the old woman died the bones tried to get out. I
wonder if the bones are being good. I hope they are.


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