Concert Schedule



Super job on the Spring Concert! You have worked very
hard this year, and it showed the night of the concert!
If you'd like a DVD of the Spring Concert, Click Here

(You can still get DVD's of the Winter Concert and of
"How Our Kids Stole the Show", too.)

What about an MP3 Audio File? Here you can listen to the concert.
This is the nighttime performance. Choose from the following:

Click here to listen to the Orchestra (6.1 MB)
Click here to listen to the Chorus (13.4 MB)
Click here to listen to the Band (9.7 MB)

If you want to SAVE the MP3 to your computer, RIGHT-CLICK
and select "Save Target As".
(These are large files. They will take a while to download.)


What's next?!?!? SUMMER MUSIC, of course! Click here
for more information.